
✔️ Met provisions of the CFO Act, FFMIA, FMFIA, 0MB Circular A-123, DHS FAA, and other applicable statutes.

✔️ Performed VA PIV program life cycle sustainment support. 

✔️ Supported the Enterprise Messaging and Collaboration Services (EMCS) ESE, OI&T within VA in support of the PIV program and operations in: 

• Systems Sustainment 

• Systems Integration and Engineering 

• Systems Implementation

Government Sponsored Entity (GSE)

✔️ Assisted with independent viewpoint and recommendations related to process improvements to the planning component of current audit process. 

✔️ Reduced inefficiencies, identified opportunities to clarify requirements and improved staff engagement. 

✔️ Maintained compliance with The Institute of Internal Auditors Standards and Practices.

✔️ Led integrated audit comprised of information security, model, data and business auditors for high-risk and high-profile process in a heavily regulated environment.

Government Sponsored Entity (GSE)

✔️ Presented on methods to integrate unstructured data into structured analytics and held collaborative workshop discussions focusing on: 

• Exploratory data analysis. 

• Text parsing in R and Python. 

• Natural Language Processing (NLP). 

• Incorporate text into models.